
Mastopexy; In the cases of sagging that occurs especially after weight gain and loss or after breastfeeding, the breast that is not well-rounded enough and has a surplus of skin can be lifted more by placing an implant or removing the surplus of skin.

Breast lift operation is performed under general anesthesia in an operating room.

It takes averagely 1.5 to 2 hours.

Thin lines remain around the nipples, depending on the extent of the sagging, no matter which method is applied. In addition, there may be a scar extending downwardly from the middle of the lower side of the nipple.

For suitable patients, it is possible to lift the breasts by just using breast prostheses. There is no breast lift operation that does not leave a scare; however, these scars will be non-obvious in the course of time.

Postoperative period after breast lift operation is overcome comfortably and usually painlessly. The sutures are removed within 7 to 10 days. Swelling, numbness and slight bruising in the nipple may occur in the early period. They automatically disappear after a short time.