
Tummy tuck operation that we call abdominoplasty is applied to those who have loose or sagging abdominal skin, and deformed abdominal front wall muscles.

It is important to make the right decisions regarding the patient’s complaints about the abdominal area and its surrounding areas because sometimes we can obtain very nice results with just liposuction, without causing any scar in a person, who has not lost her skin elasticity and whose muscles are not deformed.

Abdominoplasty Operations

There are 2 main types of the operations, as ‘mini’ and ‘standard’.
1- Mini type is preferred for patients with excess fat and skin under the bely button,
2- Standard type is applied to patients with excess fat and skin above and around their  belly buttons. Loose muscle tissue is tightened with the required plication, the entire skin and subcutaneous tissue of the front wall is stretched, and the excess part is removed. Therefore, a significant reduction in the front-rear circle of the abdomen, and a significant flattening in the deformed front part of the abdomen are obtained. The patient becomes a person who has a flattened and tight body without any looseness, as though she/he dressed a corset.

Operations Time and Recovery

Abdominoplasty operations take approximately 2 to 2.5 hours, and the patient stays in the hospital overnight. The drains in the operation site are removed within 1-2 days. Generally self-dissolving sutures are applied.

After Operation

All the swellings disappear within about 2 months, and then the final appearance comes into view. An advantage of the both types of abdominoplasty operations is that the genital area is tidied up upwardly (in a sense) as well. All the scars in the operation site remain in the bikini line, and become non-obvious within 6 to 9 months.