Face Lift

With the advanced technologies, face lift operation can now be made more easily and painlessly.
Saggings and wrinkles can be eliminated, and the person can look five to ten years younger, by means of face lift operation.
Wrinkles and saggings are seen on the face, due to the time, gravity and the use of mimics.
With face lift operation, saggings and wrinkles can be eliminated, and the person can return back to the period five to ten years prior to the present.
Face lift operation is a process intended to eliminate the saggings and looseness in the skin, and give a more youthful appearance to the face.
With the increasing age as well as the effect of gravity, sagging in the skin, fold formations in the jowl, and lines in the neck occur. The solution of these problems can be ensured with a face lift operation most effectively. The operation is a process carried out under local anesthesia and gives magnificent results when performed by expert hands.