Breast Reduction

Although breast reduction operations are cosmetic surgeries, they may also be performed for some other purposes other than ones intended for aesthetic, in order to resolve the problems of the patients and relieve them.

Women with big and sagging breasts suffer from various medical problems such as back, neck and low back pains caused by the excessive weight of the breasts, bra strap marks, eczema, heat rash, bad smell, discharge, sweating, skin irritation, and respiratory problems. Eventually, patients become a little bit hunched and a postural impairment occurs.

Surgical Procedure

It is not just a reduction operation but also lift the breasts.

In breast reduction surgery, fat, breast tissue and skin are removed, the breast tissue is shaped, and the breasts become smaller, lighter and tighter. During the same process, the diameter of the dark skin around the nipple called ‘areola’, i.e. the brown circle of the breast can be reduced as well.

Since breast reduction operation involves the removal of a part of skin, it leaves some scars. Today, “vertical mammaplasty” operations made with just an incision extending downwardly from the brown area of the breasts are preferred, depending on the nature and size of the breasts. In such a case, scar remains both around the nipple and in the vertical (flat) plan. In some cases, this scar can be in the shape of an inverted T or J.


It is made under the conditions of general anesthesia. The operation takes averagely 3 to 4 hours.

Operation Time

A drain can be placed at the sides of the both breasts, for the discharge of the blood and liquids that may accumulate in the first 2 days. These drains are removed no later than the 3nd day.

But in many cases, where we are sure about the bleeding control, drain installation may not be required.

The patient returns to her normal life within 4 to 5 days.

After the breast reduction operation, swelling will exist for a period of about one week but then they will disappear. In the early period, the breasts will be more lifted and higher but then the shape will change in such a way as to make the lover part of the breasts more rounded.

A certain amount of sensation loss may occur in the nipple and breast skin due to postoperative tissue swelling. This condition disappears generally within 6 weeks.

In consequence of the breast reduction operation, inevitable scars will occur in the suture lines. Such scars are more obvious and reddish in the first months but then they will moderate and their colors become whiter and less obvious at the skin level in the following months.