Hair Transplant

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Transplant; Hair loss is seen in both men and women. Genetic factors, thyroid hormone disorders, ovarian cysts, postpartum hormonal irregularities, folic acid and iron-deficiency anemia, hair loss after infection, and stress are some of the major reasons.

It is a problem that affects 10-12% of men as from the age of puberty, which may turn into both a physical and mental problems. A certain amount of hair loss can be seen in one in every 5 women, in association with aging as well as some diseases and hormonal problems.

Why Hair Examination and Hair Analysis are Important?

Analysis of hair loss can be deemed to be the most important stage of hair transplant, and the transplant plan is made in line with the size of the donor site, the intensity, quality and type  of hair follicle available there, as well as the patient’s expectations.

How to Apply Hair Transplant with Fue Technique?

Today, hair transplant with Fue technique is the most preferred method in Turkey and the world. Scalpel and suture is not used in the donor area. The process does not cause any visible scar and the pain is felt at the minimum level, since the process is performed under local anesthesia.

In terms of its word meaning, FUE (follicular unit extraction) describes the way of taking the hair roots. In Fue procedure, the follicular unit is removed directly from the root level. A microsurgical motor with a diameter ranging from 0.70 to 0.90 mm and instruments especially manufactured for follicular unit extraction are used.

One of the most important factors during the taking graft is the manipulation of the microsurgical instruments in parallel with the directions of the hair follicles.

With the use of these microsurgical instruments, the process of taking graft can be performed in such a way as to ensure that there are 1 to 4 follicles in each graft. In this way, the process of taking graft from the patient, approximately 1000 to 4000 grafts is obtained, i.e. 2500 to 10.000 hair roots are transplanted.

The mikrografts are carefully taken from the donor site one by one, and are kept in a special solution that enables them to survive during the operation. The mikrografts are carefully taken from the donor site one by one, and are kept in a special solution that enables them to survive during the operation.

After Hair Transplant

After the operation, a comfortable dressing that will protect the donor site from external effects for a period of 24 to 36 hours should be placed on the donor points in the donor site. In this way, the donor site will be recovered within about 2 days with the phase of contraction.

Some of the transplanted hair is lost at the end of the 1st month, and then they begin to appear and grow again within 2 to 3 months. In the 4th month, a haired appearance begins to be seen when looked from the front.

After the transplant, the hair completely grow within 7 to 9 months.

Another important point is that the transplanted hair has a stronger structure and is less likely to be lost because they carry the characteristics of the donor site.

How to Obtain a Natural Appearance?

The area where the forehead and hair come in contact with each other is called “hairline”. The hairline should be in compliance with the relevant limits on the face and the anatomy of the face. Therefore, a design defined at the beginning by a plastic surgeon is very important.

And with the use of micrograft, we can provide a natural design and prevent complications such as grass heads-like appearances.