Vaginoplasty Surgery

Vaginoplasty Surgery; This application covers the surgical rearrangement of the orgasmic area that constitutes one third of the outer part of the vagina, labia minora and labia majora, the width of the vagina, as well as excess fat accumulations in the pubis (area at the top of the vagina) within the area called perineal area, and inner sides of the legs.

Labia (Lips)

Besides the function of the vagina, correcting also the big lips (at the outer side) and small lips (at the inner side) called labia major and labia minora that constitute the outer parts of the vagina, and the pubis area are for aesthetic purposes. Many women complain of having big and saggy labias.

The operation does not affect sexual functions but since it enables the patient to become psychologically happy, her sexual pleasure and success will increase. In some cases, where these labias are bigger than normal, they cover the clitoris; and consequently may functionally delay the orgasm and reduce the pleasure.

When the labias are smaller and looser than normal, they are brought in normal, tight and more youthful appearance by means of fat tissue transfer. This is a simple daily surgery performed under local anesthesia.

Sometimes, excessive fat gain occurs in the inner sides of the legs and in the areas of the vagina’s upper part called pubis. In such a case, the problem is solved with a simple liposuction operation under local anesthesia.

Sagging Labia Minora

Big and saggy inner lips (labia minora) distort the aesthetic appearance and annoy the patient by swelling downwardly and outwardly over the outer lips (labia majora). Many women feel discomfort due to their hanging out, and do not want them to be seen by their partners. This also gives discomfort when doing exercise and wearing pants.

This is corrected with a simple surgical opearation, and the saggy labia minora regains its normal appearance.

Loosening and Sagging of the Labia Major

Like labia minora, big and saggy labia majora can be made smaller under local anesthesia. In case of deflated, saggy, and loose labia majora caused by the increasing age, it is possible to enable the labia majora to look plump and tight again, by means of fat tissue transfer.


Looseness is a case, where the muscles and soft tissues in the lower genital area get loose, expand and hang out as a result of trauma that occurred structurally or after childbirth.

Vaginal muscles get loose, normal tightness and resistance decrease, and the functions of controlling and supporting the vagina get out of order. As a result, the vagina gets loose, its internal and external width increases and sexual pleasure decreases.

The looseness at the walls will also reduce the sexual pleasure that the male sexual partners would feel. The vaginal canal is surgically narrowed, and the loose muscle structures are recovered.

Vulvar Lipoplasty

Contour defects occurring as a result of excessive fat accumulation in the area above the vagina called pubis (one of the areas constituting the vulva area) and inner sides of the legs can be corrected with simple liposuction procedures and daily surgeries under local anesthesia.

The area is stretched and involuntary leakage of urine known as stress urinary incontinence that occurs when laughing, sneezing, coughing or doing exercise and daily housework is significantly healed with the help of vaginal restoration surgeries performed in combination with abdominoplasty, i.e. tummy tuck operations.

With abdominoplasty, vaginal areas that get loose and hang down due to childbirth or aging are tightened and placed in their original locations.

Clitoris is not the only orgasm organ. Another orgasm area is perineal region constituted by pubococcygeus and transverse muscles. In vaginal restoration, the Grafenberg spot (G-spot) in the upper part of this area is placed in its normal location.

Operation Time

It takes 1 to 3 hours depending on the ways of the operations intended to be made.

Anesthesia Type

Local or general anesthesia is administered, depending on the patient’s preference.

How Much Pain and Discomfort is Suffered?

Patients, who have undergone a surgery, report that they felt little or no pain, thanks to painkillers.